I remember being in a gift shop in a random road-side attraction in the Midwest one Summer growing up. I found a most magical souvenir: A Round Tuit.

As a young kid I thought it was amazing. My mom convinced me the dream catcher was more interesting and I let it go.
But as time marched forward I found myself overwhelmed and underproductive a lot more frequently than I wanted to be. I knew no silly wooden coaster would actually do anything for my organizational skills, but still, I wanted a Round Tuit that worked.
Then I started brain training. For me, NeurOptimal® neurofeedback, has been the ultimate Round Tuit. I can begin a day with a To Do list and end up with the "Ta-Done" list, because staying focused and on-task isn't an issue any more.
I can still procrastinate, but when push comes to shove, I. get. stuff. done.
I'm immensely grateful for the mental Round Tuit that helps propel me to my optimum productivity. If you find yourself lacking organization and the ability to get through your day's tasks, perhaps it's time for you to discover the real-life Round Tuit that is brain training.